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Flower Power Garden Hour

Jan 31, 2021

Grab bag listener Q&A episode – some very detailed questions this time, so take notes and put your thinking hat on. 

  • Azaleas – not doing so well, how to make grow better?
  • Blueberry bushes – having difficult time growing, need to move them, water issues
  • Seeds – require air circulation for storage?
  • Miracle berry...

Jan 22, 2021

Focus on your soil and your garden will thank you. I talk to ‘Stay Grounded: Soil Building for Sustainable Gardens’ author Melinda Cordell about the steps to a healthy soil. How exactly do earthworms help your soil? Can you really compost drywall and levi jeans? These are just some of the topics we touch upon.



Jan 13, 2021

This continues my series of what garden tasks should be on your to-do list for each month. Here I cover the chilly and (sometimes) wet month of January.

  • Pruning – fruit trees (except citrus), ornamentals, roses
  • Plant bareroot
  • Spray liquid copper
  • Vegetables – radishes, loose leaf lettuce, fava beans
  • Weed control
  • Buy...